Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Scarecrows, Harvest, and the Colors of Fall

Another fabulous fall wreathe in under an hour thanks to +Hobby Lobby, +Dollar Tree, and +Family Dollar  for some great deals.

I had some leftover materials left from other projects, so I had fewer floral wires to clip.  This is a great option for preventing leftover craft items from going to waste.  I like to prep all my materials first and lay them out before I begin gluing anything on.

I purchased the wreathe, sparkling leaves, and pumpkins from Hobby Lobby and the leaves, flowers, and ribbon from Dollar Tree.  The scarecrow I purchased at Family Dollar.

All you need is some: wire cutters, scissors, and a hot glue gun.

Will be starting the Christmas wreathes soon. I can't wait to share!

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